Children 5-12 years old
We are dedicated to improving the lives of tamariki in Aotearoa New Zealand, informed by connections to our members who work alongside children and their whānau every day. With a focus on middle childhood, we champion policies and services that improve understanding and support of 5- to 12-year-olds. Together, we hope to enhance the wellbeing, resilience and security of all tamariki in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Read the Tamariki report
Te Kōrero mō ngā Tamariki
Exploring the context of middle childhood in Aotearoa New Zealand
Explore our easy-to-read guide that highlights the world of children aged 5- to 12-years old. Designed for anyone who wants to know more about the lives of tamariki in middle childhood, with helpful information about development, rights, wellbeing and more This guide also explores the challenges faced by kids in Aotearoa New Zealand. Enhance your understanding and support the tamariki in your life with the most relevant, up-to-date information available.

Explore our work with 5-12 year old children
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Response to the 5th Periodic Report - International Covenant for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - February 2025
NZCCSS responds to the 5th Periodic Report under the United Nations International Covenant for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Safety Measures for the use of puberty blockers in young people with gender-related health needs - January 2025
NZCCSS supports the provision of accessible, comprehensive healthcare for all young people in Aotearoa.

Oranga Tamariki (Responding to Serious Youth Offending) Amendment Bill - December 2024
NZCCSS challenges the establishment of a Serious Youth Offender Category and the introduction of military style academies.

Oranga Tamariki - Long Term Insights Briefing
NZCCSS responds to the survey on the Long Term Insights Briefing coming out of Oranga Tamariki

Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Legislation Amendment Bill
NZCCSS supports improved independence of Arotutuki Tamariki and advocacy options, but has concerns around the ability of this amendment to…

Long-Term Insights Briefing - Realising the potential for technology to support personalised and tailored learning in the future
We advocate for a holistic, accessible approach to future education technology through the LTIB process.

Changes to school board objectives - & removing the NELP from legislation
NZCCSS supports school board objectives that promote inclusive education, uphold te Tiriti, and children’s rights.

Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products - Amendment Bill No 2
NZCCSS supports stronger youth protections against vaping through the Smokefree Environments Amendment Bill

Oranga Tamariki still owes millions to care providers
Care providers face uncertainty with $5 million in delayed funding from OT causing disruptions.

Oranga Tamariki defends funding cuts, service providers unconvinced
Oranga Tamariki defends funding cuts, but frontline providers warn of negative impacts on vulnerable families.

Decision-Making Challenges at Oranga Tamariki: A Q&A Interview
Nikki Hurst highlights inadequate decision-making at Oranga Tamariki in a recent Q&A interview.

Uncertain Funding Leaves Charities Struggling
Charities await Oranga Tamariki funding decisions, causing stress and potential risks for vulnerable youth.

Education & Training - Amendment Bill 2024
NZCCSS highlights concerns about early childhood network approvals, charter schools, and attendance data.

Oranga Tamariki Amendment Bill - Repeal of Section 7AA
The NZCCSS submission emphasises retaining section 7AA, prioritising evidence, and upholding children’s rights in legislative changes.

Oranga Tamariki Cuts Leave Frontline Workers in Limbo
Oranga Tamariki’s contract cuts create uncertainty for care organisations, affecting vital services for children.

Urgent Need for Clarity on Oranga Tamariki Contracts
Read insights on Oranga Tamariki’s contract uncertainty and its impact on vulnerable children.

Briefings to Ministers (BIMs)
NZCCSS Briefings to Incoming Ministers (BIMs) following the 2023 General Election.

Under 5s Basic Health and Welfare Thematic Report
Collaborative report on child health in NZ to the UN committee on the rights of the child

Budget 2024 Social Services Analysis
We closely review Budget 2024, aiming to find the small line items that matter to our sector.

Coalition Parties 2023 Election Policies-Tamariki
Explore the coalition party’s policies related to older people and how they are expected to contribute to discussions.

Ram Raid Offending and Related Measures - Amendment Bill
We challenge the kaupapa to increase the criminalisation of children as a result of media attention on specific crimes.

Who will be the voice for children?
Digging into the changes we’ve seen since the 2017 election regarding the rights of tamariki.

Nine to Noon Radio Interview: Oranga Tamariki funding for charities in doubt
Our EO Nikki Hurst expresses deep concern over Oranga Tamariki’s uncertain funding and its impact on services.

Poipoia te kākano kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will blossom