In an article published by The Post | Te Upoku o te ika today, reporter Anna Whyte shares the concerns of so many of our sector around the lack of transparency from Oranga Tamariki around major cuts to front line services.
In the article, NZCCSS Kaiwhakahaere Matua | Executive Officer Nikki Hurst was able to speak on behalf of our members.
Hundreds of Oranga Tamariki contracts end this Sunday, impacting services for vulnerable children. These include counselling, youth programmes, and family support.
Nikki Hurst from the NZ Council of Christian Social Services stated,
“Everyone is looking for clarity and unfortunately, that’s not what we’re getting from Oranga Tamariki at the moment. These are the people who, when there’s a tragedy in the community, show up for children.”
Providers are unsure if their contracts will be renewed, causing anxiety and uncertainty. Hurst emphasised the need for secure relationships in child services and warned against starting and stopping support abruptly.
Click the link below to read the full article on The Post’s website.