We’re proud to present NZCCSS’s The Workforce Guide, which we’ve produced to support understanding of the variety of roles across the social, community and health workforce.

NZCCSS Kaiwhakahaere Nikki Hurst says the resource celebrates the strength of this often-undervalued workforce. “Our sector by nature is highly relational, and our super-power is when we all work together. The ideal scenario is when a team of professionals bring their unique strengths together to support those we work alongside. Having the right people, providing the right support makes positive change possible.”

The Workforce Guide supports users to:

  • Understand the breadth of roles in the social, community and health sector
  • Gain knowledge of what different roles do
  • Develop awareness of how we work together.

Like those we serve, the roles across our sector are many and varied. All have their place, their strengths and their natural connections to other roles. All have at their heart the wellbeing of those they exist to serve.

The guide itself shares (alphabetically from Addictions Practitioner to Youth Worker) the following:

  1. Outlines of roles
  2. Profiles of real people doing the mahi
  3. Scenarios showing likely supports for given situations

Our aim for this guide was to save users time by having one key resource profiling the majority of roles across the sector.

We hope that that The Workforce Guide will find a place in the tool kit of decision makers, policy developers, education designers (and deliverers), career advisors, funders and more. The guide exists to be used – it is not research, it is a resource.