
Briefings to Ministers (BIMs)

NZCCSS Briefings to Incoming Ministers (BIMs) following the 2023 General Election.

When a new Government forms, many organisations send Briefings to Incoming Ministers (BIMs) and NZCCSS is no exception. These briefings are a high-level and easy-to-read overview of the key issues for the people in our communities which our members seek to serve.

As Ministers receive many BIMs, we wanted to make sure ours provided an understandable and memorable snapshot of how things are for our communities as the new Government comes together, and the work that NZCCSS and our members do. Our BIMs are not meant for Ministers’ eyes only – anyone can read them and we invite you to do so. Below is an excerpt and you can click the button download them in full.

“Aotearoa New Zealand is home to just over five million people, all of whom share the dream for security, adequacy and wellbeing for themselves and their family. For some among us that is their reality, but for many in our communities these ideals are far off.

Our members are the people in our communities doing what they can to alleviate these pressures and bring compassion, dignity and justice to those most disenfranchised. We believe our members are effective in their work because they believe strongly in their mission and the positive impacts they bring. Every day, those who work and volunteer for our member organisations do so in the hope of a just and compassionate Aotearoa, where everyone can find safety, joy and prosperity.

Through this service to society, our members see the challenges faced across our communities. Our role here at the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) is to be their voice – for those they serve and for the people and organisations themselves.”

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