The New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) monitors social policy and issues of social justice in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Applying a Christian lens, we research and analyse the implications of those policies and issues, particularly for New Zealanders experiencing greater need. Focussing on the policies and positions that closely align with our mission and our membership, we then advocate with decision makers on behalf of our member services and the communities they serve.

Policy groups oversee this work, with support of the NZCCSS secretariat. The mahi is focused in three key areas:

  • Children & families – work for policies that improve the situation for the people we serve and seek to work with government to provide clear processes and adequate resources so that a full range of child and family services are delivered appropriately.
  • Equity & Inclusion – work for policies that will increase equity and ensure all people have access good quality, affordable services including housing.
  • Older people – work for policies that emphasise positive ageing and social inclusion for older people and seek to ensure that enough resources are provided to ensure a full range of support services for older people.

Representatives for policy groups are drawn from Council members, faith-based social services managers and practitioners, and academics and researchers. Group members share emerging good practice within their field and raise the issues impacting on their services and communities.