16 July, 2024

Oranga Tamariki Cuts Leave Frontline Workers in Limbo

Oranga Tamariki's contract cuts create uncertainty for care organisations, affecting vital services for children.
Photo of Nikki Hurts and Belinda Himiona in front of ACE House in Wellington

Hundreds of care organisations are facing uncertain futures as Oranga Tamariki failed to renew or cut contracts without enough notice, as reported by Anna Whyte in The Post | Te Upoku o te ika.

In the article, NZCCSS Kaiwhakahaere Matua | Executive Officer Nikki Hurst voices the worries of our members.

Coverage from the Three News bulletin is also included in the article and both Nikki and Social Services Providers Chief Executive Belinda Himiona share their insights.

Hundreds of Oranga Tamariki contracts ended on June 30, affecting services for vulnerable children, including counselling, youth programmes, and family support.

Nikki Hurst from the NZ Council of Christian Social Services stated,

“Everyone is looking for clarity and unfortunately, that’s not what we’re getting from Oranga Tamariki at the moment. These are the people who, when there’s a tragedy in the community, show up for children.”

Nikki Hurst, EO NZCCSS

Providers are left in uncertainty about the renewal of their contracts, leading to anxiety and distress. Hurst stressed the importance of stable relationships in child services and cautioned against the abrupt start and stop of support.

Click the link below to read the full article on The Post’s website and watch the Three News clip.