Ā Mātou Mahi | Our work
Housing Insecurity in Aotearoa’s Older People
Explore key insights in this report on housing insecurity for older people in Aotearoa, highlighting ethnic and regional disparities

Te Raranaga Kaupapa Here – Whiringa-ā-rangi
The November edition of our Weaving Policy newsletter

Disability Support Services - November 2024
NZCCSS advocates for better support service accessibility for tangata wahikaha|disabled people, as well as access for their whānau and those…

Draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan - for 2025 – 2029
NZCCSS supports suicide prevention strategies but calls for cross-agency efforts and targeted interventions.

Sentencing (Reform) - Amendment Bill
We believe the amendments will unfairly disadvantage Māori and youth, leading to harsher sentencing.

Residential High-Rise Housing in Aotearoa - Long-term Insights Briefing 2025
We support HUD’s focus but raise concerns on high-rise suitability for ageing populations.

MSD's 2025 Long-term Insights Briefings - current and future disadvantage of older people in Aotearoa
Our submission to MSD’s Long-Term Insights Briefing addresses future policy needs for New Zealand’s ageing population.

Long-Term Insights Briefing - Realising the potential for technology to support personalised and tailored learning in the future
We advocate for a holistic, accessible approach to future education technology through the LTIB process.

Changes to school board objectives - & removing the NELP from legislation
NZCCSS supports school board objectives that promote inclusive education, uphold te Tiriti, and children’s rights.

Te Raranga Kaupapa Here – Whiringa-ā-nuku
The October edition of our Weaving Policy newsletter

Draft Strategy to - Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2025/26 to 2027/28
NZCCSS advocates for stronger gambling harm prevention measures, focusing on youth protections, funding, and targeted support.

Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products - Amendment Bill No 2
NZCCSS supports stronger youth protections against vaping through the Smokefree Environments Amendment Bill

Spotlighting Structural Ageism on International Older Person’s Day
Recognising the vital contributions of kaumātua and addressing Structural Ageism across Aotearoa’s policies.

Te Raranga Kaupapa Here – Mahuru
The first edition of our new-format newsletter, Weaving Policy, released in September 2024

Oranga Tamariki still owes millions to care providers
Care providers face uncertainty with $5 million in delayed funding from OT causing disruptions.

Inquiry into the Aged Care Sector's - current and future capacity to provide support services for people experiencing neurological cognitive disorders
NZCCSS highlights how the Aotearoa Aged Care Action Plan can guide the inquiry into aged care.

Submission to the Health & Disability Commissioner - Review of the HDC Act & Code
NZCCSS welcomes the review of the Health and Disability Act, focusing on rights and equity.

Feedback to MBIE & Ministry for the Environment - Making it easier to build 'granny flats'
NZCCSS questions if proposed changes for easier granny flat construction will truly support aging in place.

Oranga Tamariki defends funding cuts, service providers unconvinced
Oranga Tamariki defends funding cuts, but frontline providers warn of negative impacts on vulnerable families.

Decision-Making Challenges at Oranga Tamariki: A Q&A Interview
Nikki Hurst highlights inadequate decision-making at Oranga Tamariki in a recent Q&A interview.

Uncertain Funding Leaves Charities Struggling
Charities await Oranga Tamariki funding decisions, causing stress and potential risks for vulnerable youth.

Education & Training - Amendment Bill 2024
NZCCSS highlights concerns about early childhood network approvals, charter schools, and attendance data.

Consultation on the Scope of the Treasury's Long-term Insights Briefing - Sustainable and Resilient Fiscal Policy Over Economic Cycles
NZCCSS advocates for inclusive, resilient fiscal policy, emphasizing community well-being and long-term sustainability.

Sentencing Amendment Bill - Reinstating Three Strikes
NZCCSS questions the effectiveness and fairness of the Sentencing (Reinstating Three Strikes) Amendment Bill.