employersWe are thrilled to share the shiny new logo that confirms NZCCSS as an accredited Living Wage Employer. The NZCCSS Council meeting of 25th February 2016 received this news with delight and NZCCSS Policy Advisor Paul Barber joined with others from the Wellington Living Wage movement to celebrate the announcement of the 2016 Living Wage rate, hosted by Pivotal Thames, another new Living Wage Employer.

The number of accredited employers continues to grow, with almost 50 listed on the Living Wage New Zealand website  and there are many more employers committed to the concept and taking steps towards a living wage, even if they are not in the position to achieve accreditation just yet.

Lifting wages for low income working people is one of the many parts of the response to inequality and poverty in this country. Hundreds of workers around the country are already benefiting from the decisions of the their employers to implement a living wage. It is one very direct step that every organisation, business, local or central government agency can take to make a difference in their communities.

While many organisations within social services are heavily reliant on government funding that means paying the living wage rate is not currently possible, support for the principle is growing and the focus of the living wage campaign remains those in business and local and central government who have control over funding decisions, including wages, to take action now.