Family violence not ok image

In communities up and down the country individuals, community groups, sports groups, well know names, politicians, and local hairdressers all got behind the 2015 are you ok campaign.

Campaigns to reduce family violence began in 2007 out of concern about the level of family violence in New Zealand.

This work was started by the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families, which advises the government on family violence and on related issues, and has become not only an important annual focal point for this issue, but also an important resource to people in communities to learn more about how to help families understand what violence in the home is, and why it needs to stop.

To find out more about the highlights of the November 2015 campaign, and what’s planned for next year, read the December e-newsletter.

Related Policy Watch Posts:

Family violence legislation and services are in the spot light

NZCCSS Submission on family violence legislation